API Reference



class wanga.models.messages.ImageContent(url: str | None = None, base64: str | None = None)[source]

Image embedded in a message. Can either be a URL, or a base64-encoded file.


exception wanga.models.model.AuthenticationError[source]

Raised when the API credentials are invalid.

class wanga.models.model.FinishReason(value)[source]

An enumeration.

exception wanga.models.model.InvalidJsonError[source]

Raised when the model returns a malformed JSON as a response to a function call.

exception wanga.models.model.ModelError[source]

Base class for all exceptions raised by models.

exception wanga.models.model.ModelTimeoutError[source]

Raised when the model takes too long to generate a response.

exception wanga.models.model.PromptError[source]

Raised when the prompt is malformed or uses unsupported features.

exception wanga.models.model.RateLimitError[source]

Raised when the request limit is exceeded.

exception wanga.models.model.ServiceUnvailableError[source]

Raised when the API is down.

class wanga.models.model.ToolUseMode(value)[source]

An enumeration.

Schema extraction and manipulation

Schema Definition

class wanga.schema.CallableSchema(call_schema: ObjectNode, return_schema: SchemaNode, long_description: str | None)[source]

Complete schema of a function or a class.


Schema of the function call.




Schema of the return value. None if the function returns None.




Long description extracted from the docstring. It is used to pass tool descriptions to LLMs. It is not used for return values.


str | None

eval(value: str | float | int | bool | None | dict[str, JSON] | list[JSON])[source]

Call the callable with the given JSON value.

json_schema(flavor: JsonSchemaFlavor, include_long_description: bool = False) AnthropicCallableSchema | OpenAICallableSchema[source]

Extract JSON Schema to use with the LLM function call APIs.

  • flavor – Flavor of the JSON Schema syntax accepted by the target API.

  • include_long_description – Whether to include long_description to the description field of the resulting JSON Schema. Should be set to True for tools, and to False for object constructions.

class wanga.schema.JsonSchemaFlavor(value)[source]

Top-level layout of the JSON schema as accepted by different LLMS.

class wanga.schema.SchemaExtractor(exctractor_fns: list[Callable[[Any], CallableSchema | None]] = NOTHING)[source]

Extracts schemas from callables.

Should never be initialized directly by the end user, instead, use wanga.schema.default_schema_extractor. If you want to add new extraction functions, use the register_extract_fn method.


List of functions that take type annotation as an input and try to produce the CallableSchema.

extract_schema(callable: Callable) CallableSchema[source]

Extract schema from a callable.

exception wanga.schema.SchemaValidationError[source]

Schema Extraction

class wanga.schema.extractor.SchemaExtractor(exctractor_fns: list[Callable[[Any], CallableSchema | None]] = NOTHING)[source]

Extracts schemas from callables.

Should never be initialized directly by the end user, instead, use wanga.schema.default_schema_extractor. If you want to add new extraction functions, use the register_extract_fn method.


List of functions that take type annotation as an input and try to produce the CallableSchema.

extract_schema(callable: Callable) CallableSchema[source]

Extract schema from a callable.